Alive Again

Nacpan Beach, El Nido, Philippines (2016) 

"Come as you are, said He. But I love you so I will not let you stay there. I will move you and it will hurt but I promise I won't leave you. "

Our God is ever faithful to His promises. He allows us to experience pain (only that we can bear) to teach us lessons that will remain in our hearts and minds for a lifetime. He lifts us up when we're weary and burdened.  He is the true lover of our souls.

For the past months, I was lost You know that feeling of having no direction at all. All my dreams and goals became blurry. And life seemed pointless. Though I knew in my heart, God was with me and will never leave me. However, these emotions had consumed me I could not breathe (sometimes literally). But He got me, as always.  As the line of the song Street Called Mercy goes, 

" I collapsed in the street called mercy, I was found in YOU."  

I did let go of what's inside of me, letting Him rule over all. Taking His mercy and indulging in the warmth of His grace. 

I'd like to quote Charles Stanley 's  inspirational line (in reference to the Bible):

 The love of our heavenly father is perfect- it is wonderful, faultless, unfailing, forgiving and unconditional.
You cannot stop Him from caring for you. Since His love for you is perfect, you can be sure that He is with you forever- leading you down the way that is best and providing everything you need. Therefore, forget any misconceptions about whether or not the Lord accepts you. Release all those feelings of unworthiness and fears of being forsaken. God has always loved you and always will. So accept Him and rejoice that His banner over you is love. (Song 2:4)

After reading those lines, I sensed that it was God reassuring me of His loving mercy.  
Everything then, became clearer and brighter. 
I was happy, inspired and loved. 

My deepest gratitude to all the people who had helped me conquer,
especially my Prince who never gave up on me. Thank you !
Thank you, Jesus! You're the best!


God's little princess,